Welcome to The Consular Mandate: Staying within the Consular Mandate. This is course 3 in the Consular Policy e-Learning Series, and should be completed in sequence after course 1, The Consular Manual: Referring to the Consular Manual,  Tools and Resources, and Course 2, The Consular Service Standards: Measuring your performance with the consular service standards.  

In The Consular Mandate: Staying within the Consular Mandate, it is your third day on the job with the consular team at SUNNY. Working as part of SUNNY's consular team, you'll respond to requests from clients for consular assistance. Your goal? Assess what type of assistance the client is seeking, whether this type of assistance falls within the consular mandate, and if not, what alternative types of assistance you can provide. In SUNNY, as in real-life, you're not alone: you have access to your consular tools and resources, and when that is not enough, there is a a dedicated team of professionals to support you.

Welcome to The Consular Service Standards: Measuring your performance with the consular service standards. This is course two of three of the Consular Policy Onboarding Series. This course builds off of the themes covered in course 1, The Consular Manual: Referring to your consular tools and resources. Please ensure you have completed course 1 before launching this course. This course is intended primarily for employees who are new to the consular program; however, we recommend that more experienced consular personnel complete it to refresh their understanding of the consular service standards.   

Welcome to Sunnyll. Congratulations, on your new position with the SUNNY consular team! It is your first day on the job. From the moment you click start, you'll be launched into a fictitious mission environment and faced with immersive client-service challenges. To consistently meet these challenges, you'll be tasked with using your consular tools and resources to provide clients with consular assistance that is aligned with Canada's consular mandate and policy. Hoping for a smooth first day? Make sure you use your consular tools and resources, especially the Consular Manual, judiciously. You only get one chance at a first impression. 

Learning Objectives:
After completing this training and gaining exposure to consular case management, employees will be able to effectively refer to the appropriate reference tools and points of contact and resources. They will be able to develop and implement consular case management strategies in a consistent manner and in accordance with the policies, procedures, service standards and limits of the consular mandate.

While completing this course, employees will demonstrate the following competencies:

  • Refer correctly and efficiently to the consular tools, primarily the Consular Manual.
  • Associate the clients needs and issues to a consular service type
  • Find specific information needed to handle client requests using the consular tools available
  • Exercise judgment in consulting with management or HQ colleagues when faced with situations where you don't know the answer or require clarification
  • Communicate ideas or submit questions to the Consular Manual orgbox managed by CPD.

In 2019 the Security of Canada Information Disclosure Act  was enacted to replace the Security of Information Sharing Act. In this course, you'll also learn more about what constitutes national security, who to contact for information requests related to national security, and how the Security of Canada Information Disclosure Act impacts your client information safeguarding responsibilities. Lastly, you'll have the opportunity to review how other privacy protection acts, such as the Privacy Act and Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, impact your work and responsibilities as a consular representative.